ABC News 20/20 aired an episode investigating the Midnight Rider tragedy and Sarah Jones' death.
Here are the links to the 3 segments.
See this link for a detailed timeline of events and news maintained by the Facebook page I Refuse To Work on Midnight Rider.
U.S. Department of Labor Cites ‘Midnight Rider’ Production for ‘Willful and Serious’ Safety Violations
Variety, Aug 14, 2014
Good Morning America
Airs a report with Elizabeth Vargas of 20/20
I REFUSE to work on Midnight Rider! for Sarah Jones!!!
Link to this Facebook Page that was created to stop the production after the tragedy death of Sarah.
OSHA Cites Allman Film Company in Train Crash, Aug 14, 2014
‘Midnight Rider’ Producers, Looking To Restart Pic, Sue Over Denied Insurance Claims
Aug 13, 2014
Investigating the Midnight Rider Tragedy
Link to this Facebook Page that reports some of the latest news involving criminal investigations, civil law suits, etc.