Safety For Sarah End Credits Program
The Safety For Sarah End Credits Program is an informal agreement between the Sarah Jones Film Foundation and entertainment production leaders, supervisors and crew members to both acknowledge and commit to creating an on-set environment that supports the highest creative expression of the project while respecting the safety of every participant.
By accepting and following these safety suggestions, your involvement will help to ensure that we Never Forget what happened to Sarah Jones when safety rules were not followed, and to Never Again let it happen.
The production agrees to do its best to insure that our it:
• Obeys all applicable local, state and federal laws.
• Follows all applicable industry safety rules and suggestions, including all applicable Contract Services Safety Bulletins (CSATF.ORG).
• Conducts and participates in daily on-set safety meetings to insure that all participants have the opportunity to express their concerns or ask questions.
• Acknowledges the first shot of the day as the “Jonesy" to remind all those present to remember what happened to Sarah Jones when proper safety precautions were not taken.
• Allows for anyone, at anytime, to call a "Sarah Timeout" without concern for their job or reputation, should they not feel safe or need further clarification regarding a safety issue. A "Sarah Timeout" will allow for a 1 minute on set pause. Should it be justified, this brief timeout may be extended until the issue is clarified, or resolved.
• Communicates any safety issues and/or concerns to the proper production supervisor to insure that they have been recorded, addressed and resolved
When these guidelines are followed, you are encouraged to include the Safety for Sarah logo in your end credits as a way to acknowledge your active commitment to creating a safe, creative environment for all cast and crew members.
Partial List of participating productions:
•Fast & Furious 7
•Warner Brothers
•Vampire Diaries
•The Originals

Fast & Furious 7